The House of Secrets


Hampstead London – November 7th 1890

They found her body on the pavement, at the foot of Rosslyn Hill. She had been dead for just half an hour. The head had been almost severed from the body, and there were several deep holes at the back of the skull, which showed the ferocity with which she had been attacked. The woman was dressed tidily, though one of her shoes was missing. The police say she had the appearance of a domestic servant. There was no doubt that her death was caused by the blows to the skull. She was the third woman in three weeks to be murdered in the area.

‘There’s been another murder out there.’ Said Phoebe, closing the wooden hatch behind her. She was breathing heavily.

Gus hurried across the stone floor and sat in front of her. ‘How many more will there be before they catch him? You…

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Rear Window


I could see him standing at the table with a knife in his hand; he had rubber gloves on and was cutting something. He appeared uneasy as he went about his work.

“Who are on earth are you spying on now?”

I turned quickly, and the cord of the binoculars tightened round my neck like a noose.

“God! Do you have to creep up on me like that?”

The Blonde stood in front of me, looking out of the window. “You’re turning into a peeping Tony. Why are you behaving like a stalker?  Haven’t we had enough stalkers in the family lately?

“Are you referring to my mother?”

“You know exactly who I mean.”

“I’m not stalking; I was watching the cat, to see if I could find out where she goes at night. Then I saw this guy in his kitchen cutting up something on the table.”

“Which guy?

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Of Mice and Men


The storm raged for five days and five nights. The sun came out each morning, and by noon it was gone; replaced by a dark and turbulent sea that crashed relentlessly against the ship.

On the sixth day, the storm subsided. I ventured out on deck and watched a dove appear and circle the ship. I saw it swoop and soar, then fly west towards the setting sun. There was no sight of land and darkness once again engulfed the ship.

On the morning of the seventh day, Captain Murdock appeared on deck to address his weary crew.

“The storm has led us into uncharted waters” He boomed. “We are alone on this ocean, and must gather all our strength in a bid to find our way home….”

The bolt of lightning came out of the heavens and hit the mainsail. I heard the mighty crack as it began to fall. I…

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